Desing providing, and erection of all works of
the rehabilitation of Marhaba Hotel appartement
belongs AGOCO as subcontractor, the following
jobs was completed :
Electrical works including all control panels .
Erection of more than 70 A/C unit .
the works of fire detection and Alarm system for
all rooms .
Central and all associated works for all rooms .
Illumination of all facilities both inside and
outside as well the ventilation fans on the
roofs .
Erection of the left, Shnidler type
the satellite receiving & Transmitting network
inside the hotel rooms .
Laundry and kitchen rooms equipments .
Dicsel generator and all associated controls and
change over switchgear
Earthing and lightining protection networks .
madiena Hotel in Sirte the following works are
completed :
Providing and installation kitchen room
equipments .
Erection of the 2 left, schnider type .
Omar-El-Khayamm Company for tourism and Hotel
the following works Are completed .
Maintenance of Omar EL-Khayamm Hootel / Benghazi
Central A/C units illumination of all facilites
both insde and outside .
Maintenance of Omar-EL-Khayamm Hotel / Benghazi
disel generator and all associated controls and
change over switchgear.
Maintenance of big refrigerators in the stores
in EL-Fuwayhat area .
Electrification A/C, and diesel generators
installation of Ras-EL Hilal tourism project .
Maintenance of AL-Anise Hotel / Benghazi diesel
generator .
Maintenance of Omar EL-Khayamm Hotel/Benghazi
Central and all Associated works .
Maintenance of intercall system of Ozu Hotel in
Benghazi .
Installation of diesel generator and all
Associated controls and change over Switchgear
for Eshbielya Hotel belongs To AGOCO / Benghazi
Maintenance of big refrigerators and all kitchen
materials belonging To family Deryana summer
resort providing and installation materials .
the swimming pools for Kaws Kuzah proiect in
Ras-EL-Hilal beach for central Civil and toursm
Investment Company .
Providing and installation of power transformer
11/0.4 KV with associated low voltage switchgear
and laying of all cables for Tepiesti hotel main
stores at BU ATNI for social insurance fun .
Installation of ( nine ) ccommunication towers
and their associated feeders between Sirt and
Hoon for Alcatel Company .
Installation of (four) communication towers and
their associated feeders For Ericson company .
Installation of ( fou) communication towers over
ceiling for Siemens Company .
( ICC ) company the following works Were
completed :
installation and maintenance of fire alarm
system .
Design plans for electrical works and Reserve
diesel generators .
Installation and maintenance of Electrical
AGOCO under subcontract with other Company's
the following works were complete :
Installation of two Deutz diesel generator and
all associated controls and change Over
switchgear at sarir oil field .
Installation of ( 500 KV A pet Bow ) diesel
generator for EL-Dahmmani-Tripoli Hotel belongs
to AGOCO .
Providing and installation of ( 600 KVA pet Bow
) diesel generator for new hotel at AL-Dahrra
Tripoli belongs To AGOCO .
Erection of cable maintenance workshop at sarir
oil field and fire Alarm system .
Completion of many electrical and electronic
works as well towers for CGTI french company .
Design and installation of a communication tower
and a direct link between that-Elimaad building
number ( 4 ) and Daewo company at Ben - Ghshier
Location for Libyan Telecommunication and
Technology company ( LTT )
Works company for Libyan civil and tiurist
investment copmany Benghazi are :
company of many electrical and eletronic works
as well towers for CGTI french company .
works completed for Libyan civil and tourist
investment company Benghazi are :
Omport and installatio of fire Alarm system for
Al-Wahdh Bank Al-Sooque branch .
Providing and installation of communication
system and associated Network for the same bank
Works company for El-jabel technical and
maintenance company as a subcontractor are :